Thursday, October 10, 2013

Mission Desk - Veneering Panels and Desk Top

I had done small veneering projects previously, but nothing on this scale.  But, I enjoy challenges, and this was definitely going to be a big one.  I chose to use book matched pieces of mesquite veneer for the side panels, and create three reverse diamond veneer patterns for the desk top.  After taking a few photos of the veneer, I used my imaging software to create a pattern that was appealing to me as seen below.

Reverse Diamond Pattern with Mesquite

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Kitchen Table Project

This is a Kitchen Table I completed in January 2013 that was inspired by a table I saw in the film 'Julie and Julia'.  This is the table seen in Julia Childs Paris kitchen.  I assume that the style of this table would be a traditional country kitchen table.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Jig for Cutting Veneer

This 1/4" x 4' x 2' plywood veneer cutting board is backed with 22 gauge steel. Using this configuration with a straight edge and Magswitches aids in holding the veneer down and stabilizing the straight edge.

Mission Desk - Design, Milling and Sizing Lumber

I began designing this desk during the fall of 2007. As most projects go, other priorities changed my schedule. Construction began the spring of 2010. The project was finally finished January 2011.  My projects take way to long to complete.

Jig Saw Mounted in Router Table

This is a handy way to mount a Jig Saw to cut material on top of the table to create a poor-mans version of the Rockwell BladeRunner.